Another year “begins” for us. Let me share two thoughts today. First a short quote, “Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Evening Prayer
A couple of days ago at the Upper Room Daily Reflections a few paragraphs from Trevor Hudson’s book, The Serenity Prayer: A Simple Prayer to Enrich Your Life, were posted. He wrote, “…Of all my personal spiritual practices, the nightly review … Continue reading
This is the time of the year we see so many top 10 lists. You have already seen them: “The Year’s Most Memorable News Stories,” “The Best Films of the Year,” and on and on. I wonder what would happen … Continue reading
For several weeks we have been considering the form or pattern our daily prayer can take. We have thought together about “formal” prayers as found in the Daily Office and liturgy and we have considered a pattern prayer might follow … Continue reading
Over the last several years I have come across a number of references to W. E. Sangster’s book “Teach Me to Pray.” He recommends setting aside at least 15 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening for … Continue reading