144 – Duties – Intention on the Spiritual Journey

One of Eugene Peterson’s books* is subtitled, “Discipleship in an Instant Society.”  If that was true in 1980 when it was first published, I suspect most of us would easily agree it is even more true today.  Given our desire for (or is it a need for) instant gratification, how are we to see and experience those practices that do not offer us this instant reward?

Last week while reading C. S. Lewis’ Reflections on the Psalms I came across several sentences directly addressing this.  He wrote,

“When we carry out our ‘religious duties’ we are like people digging channels in a waterless land, in order that when at last the water comes, it may find them ready,  I mean, for the most part.  There are happy moments, even now, when a trickle creeps along the dry beds; and happy souls to whom this happens often.” ( p 97)

Have you been there?  What in your experience can you liken to “digging channels in a waterless land?”  Have you seen some trickles of water?  Or maybe we should ask, would we recognize the trickle when it comes?

Then again, maybe you have been blessed with a refreshing drink?

How do you find the channels today?  How do you think you will find them tomorrow?

* A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society




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