171 – Waiting – Intention on the Spiritual Journey

This week I am still hearing Evelyn Underhill’s words,

“ … for the pressure of God’s Spirit is present everywhere and at all times.”

I thought for while I might share something this week from Dallas Willard about the nature of spiritual disciplines but as I was reading I came across this from Eugene Peterson,

“There’s a certain learned passivity about the spiritual life that is hard to program and hard to make popular. People who give leadership in spiritual direction, the good ones, that’s basically what they’re doing: they’re trying to train us and teach us how not to be in control of our lives; to enter into what God is doing already.”

What is “learned passivity?”

Does it have something to do with “waiting” or “patience” or “silence”?

… how not to be in control …

Is that what you want?  Or is it in your nature to want to be in control?

… to enter into what God is doing already.”

How do I hear or see or know what God is doing already?

Do I think God is already at work?

I don’t know about you, but Peterson gives me a lot to stop and contemplate.  And, in all honesty, it makes me a little uncomfortable.


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