I first heard of Frederick Buechner many years ago and remember thinking I should read his books. I found one, started reading it and soon stopped. For whatever reasons, I could not follow his writing and could not understand him.
A few days ago I came across a copy of The Hungering Dark and opened it to this prayer,
Almighty and everlasting God,
Only speak to us that we may hear thee. Then speak to us again and yet again so that when in our hearts we answer they by saying No, we may at least know well to whom we say it and what it costs us to say it, and what it costs our brothers, and what it costs thee. And when at those moments that we can never foretell we say Yes to thee, forgive our halfheartedness, accept us as we are, work they miracle within us, and of they grace give us strength to follow wherever love my lead.
We bless thee for him who shows us the way, and is the way and will be, we pray, at the en of all our ways. Grant that even on stumbling feet we may follow him into the terrible needs human heart. Remember, Remember us. For thy mercy’s sake. Amen. (Frederick Buechner, “The Hungering Dark,” New York, The Seabury Press, 1969, p 69)
This I understand. I have walked that way and continue often in those steps.
What about you? What do you hear? Supplication? Confession? Commitment?