We have moved though Lent, past Palm Sunday and find ourselves today on Maundy Thursday. Good Friday and Easter Sunday are just around the corner.
This week I have been wondering how we communicate why we call this time “Holy Week.”
And not just how we communicate it, but how we communicate in language that is heard today.
I wish I had a fully developed answer to share with you today but I am not there.
Can I ask your help today? I think I will ask our Sunday class the same question. The following is put to us in our class study guide,
“Record in your own words what the resurrection of Jesus means to you.”
How do you respond? How do you respond “in your own words.” Many of us are comfortable using “church” words to talk of resurrection. And no doubt we may have come to regard that as “our own words.” But could you speak of resurrection in different words?
Give it a try. What words come to you that best communicates what Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter mean to you.
{ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est}
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