A few months ago it seemed every book I picked up for weeks had a chapter on the Prayer of Examen or at least several pages describing it. From “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything” by James Martin, S.J. to “Connecting Like Jesus: Practices for Healing, Teaching, and Preaching” by Tony Campolo and Mary Albert Darling, authors from many perspectives and theological traditions were encouraging the daily practice of this prayer.
Martin, as most others, encourages one to prayer the Examen at the end of the day and gives the following form (p 97):
“Before you begin, as in all prayer, remind yourself that you’re in God’s presence, and ask God to help you with your prayer.
“Gratitude: Recall anything from the day for which you are especially grateful, and give thanks.
“Review: Recall the events of the day, from start to finish, noticing where you felt God’s presence, and where you accepted or turned away from any invitations to grow in love.
“Sorrow: Recall any actions for which you are sorry.
“Forgiveness: Ask for God’s forgiveness. Decide whether you want to reconcile with anyone you have hurt.
“Grace: Ask God for the grace you need for the next day and an ability to see God’s presence more clearly.”
Would this be a worthwhile way to end the day? What would practicing the Examen do for the end your day and the start of the next day?
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