Yesterday I came across a new devotional book (on sale at $2.99 for a couple of days) with readings from “classic” Christian writers. It includes writings from Frederick Buechner, Brennan Manning, Henri Nouwen, Eugene Peterson, James Bryan Smith, A.W. Tozer, Dallas Willard, and N.T. Wright. Maybe some of those you have not heard of and maybe some you don’t think of as “classic” Christian writers but in my estimation they all have something to say to us.
The title of the book is Faith That Matters: 365 Devotions from Classic Christian Leaders.
For example the reading for February 2 from Frederick Buechner is –
PAUL’S PIVOT from Frederick Buechner
As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice. ACTS 9:3–4
I t was about noon when he was knocked flat by a blaze of light that made the sun look like a forty-watt bulb, and out of the light came a voice that called him by his Hebrew name. “Saul. Why are you out to get me?” And when he pulled himself together enough to ask who it was he had the honor of addressing, what he heard to his horror was, “I’m Jesus of Nazareth, the one you’re out to get.” If Jesus of Nazareth had what it took to burst out of the grave like a guided missile, he thought, then he could polish off one bowlegged Christian-baiter without even noticing it, and Paul waited for the ax to fall. Only it wasn’t an ax that fell. “Those boys in Damascus,” Jesus said. “Don’t fight them. Join them. I want you on my side,” and Paul never in his life forgot the sheer lunatic joy and astonishment of that moment. He was blind as a bat for three days afterward, but he made it to Damascus anyway and was baptized on the spot. He was never the same again, and neither, in in your way. Amen.When has God knocked you flat, figuratively speaking? What was the result in your life?
Father, use light, wind, confrontation—whatever you have to—to keep me walking in your way. Amen.
You might want to check out the book while it is on sale at Amazon, Google Play Store books and Faithlife ebooks.
Just a thought –
{ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est}
I really let this get away from me before proofing well. Already had to make three changes. Sorry for the edits, but I think it still remains a good volume to sample.