What does a Rule of Life look like?
If you and I were to write out our Rule of Life what might we write? To begin to think about that I want to point you toward several Rules written by some groups. These rules come from several sources and some are very detailed. Please do not be put off by the length of some but read them to see the underlying commitments that form these bodies.
Society of St Francis – go over half way down the page to “The Rule of Life of the First Order” (just past “The Principles of the First Order”)
The Order of St Luke
Fellowship of Saint John
Society of St John the Evangelist
The Berkeley Divinity School at Yale
The Rule from Berkeley Divinity School closes with this –
“The ultimate intent of the pattern of life described in these chapters is to enable the cultivation of a disposition toward godliness that will equip each of us, trusting in the mercies of God, for the service of Christ in the world as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit.”