With Lent arriving in two weeks I see more and more “advertisements” for ways to spend some of your time during Lent. Publishers and book-sellers offer suggestions, well known (and lesser known) religious/spiritual writers offer suggestions, and churches/denominations/organizations direct you to resources (often ones they publish and sell).
I would like to direct your attention to two resources. One from Renovare and one from the Episcopal Church. What I find refreshing about both is the attempt to point us toward balance.
Renovare is offering a devotional booklet entitled, “Less is More.” It invites us to make time during Lent to practice several spiritual disciplines and presents then as:
Confession: Less Guilt/More Grace
Solitude: Less Noise/More Listening
Fasting: Less Consumption/More Compassion
Simplicity: Less Stuff/More Freedom
Frugality: Less Spending/More Peace
Intercession: Less Me/More Others
Reflective Reading of Holy Week Story: Less Fear/More Love
I very much like this balancing of less and more with each of these disciplines. Since I have not read the booklet I can’t speak to how well they “pull-off” this balancing act, but I think they are off to a good start.
At the Credo web site of the Episcopal Church the opportunity to subscribe to a series of Lenten devotions “Feeding and Fasting” is offered. Again, we have balance in view. On the site they write,
“We celebrate a holy Lent both by taking on those things that bring us closer to God, and shedding those indulgences, habits, and practices that steal our attention. Ironic as it seems, we sometimes are fed only by fasting—by denying ourselves that which distracts us from the truly nourishing. When we fast, we clear out space for God. We forego the diversions that keep us occupied and instead make room inside for an expanding spirit, one that is nurtured on prayer and worship and the feast of love that is offered to us.”
” … taking on … shedding … fasting … nourishing … “
It seems to me they are encouraging some balance also.
What do you think? What can you do to find balance in your life this Lent . . . and beyond Lent?
You can find more information about the Renovare booklet at –
and you can find out about the emailed devotions at –