Over the next several weeks I would like us to think together about the different forms our prayers can take. But before we look at different prayer practices, I would ask us to keep in mind two things. First, keep … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Robert Mullholland
Robert Mulholland speaks of prayer as the third “inner dynamic of our disciplines.” “Prayer … becomes the offering of who we are to God: the giving of that broken, grasping, manipulative self to God for the work of God’s grace … Continue reading
Robert Mulholland calls silence the first “inner dynamic of our disciplines” and he calls solitude the second. “We tend to think of solitude as simply being alone…. however, solitude is, in the silence of release, beginning to face the deep … Continue reading
Do you know what silence is? Consider Robert Mulholland’s suggestion – “We tend to think of silence as simply being still…. The practice of silence is the radical reversal of our cultural tendencies. Silence is bringing ourselves to the point … Continue reading
As a follow up to Robert Mulholland’s definition of spiritual formation it is good to hear his counsel regarding spiritual disciplines. “Let me clarify the nature of a spiritual discipline, because here our cultural shaping distorts our understanding. We tend … Continue reading
In preparation for a retreat I recently attended I read Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. He defines spiritual formation as “a process of being conformed to the image of Christ … Continue reading