You may be like me and come from a tradition in which Lent was unnoticed but also like me maybe you heard folks speak of “giving up” something for Lent. Folks still practice various types of Lenten fasts but I hear more and more folks speak of adding something, a practice, for Lent.
Since we are a week away from the start of Lent (Wednesday, March 6, Ash Wednesday), I thought I would post a few thoughts about taking up a Lenten practice.
The first idea I want to share is why not add a reading from Dietrich Bonhoeffer for the 40 days of Lent. (If you are not familiar with Bonhoeffer take a moment to do a quick internet search for this modern day saint who was martyred, hanged in a German prison, at the close of World War II.)
you will find a link to subscribe to 40 days of short readings delivered to your email.
And at
you will find day 1 of the readings so you can see what you think about it.
I like the pattern – a Quote from Bonhoeffer, a Scripture, some Questions to provoke your thinking/meditation, a sentence or two from a Psalm, a statement or question for your Reflection, some ideas for Intercession, and a sentence Prayer. An altogether good pattern to try on for a few weeks.
Let me know what you think and let me know If you have any trouble with the links.
{ubi caritas et amor, deus ibi est}
My Friend, My Brother, I am so glad to see you posting again to your blog. You always stimulate, challenge my thinking. You help me stay focused on keeping the main thing the main thing. I really appreciate you and you thoughts, references, quotes, comments. By all means, please keep me on your mailing lists.
Thanks for the very kind encouragement. And thanks for all you do in giving me help in focusing.