Entering Scripture, one more model of Lectio Divina
Several months ago I offered a post on “Entering Scripture” via the steps of Lectio Divina. I intended for the following week to offer another method that is patterned on Lectio Divina but circumstances and time got away from me and it was never posted.
So, today, let’s try that again.
What I post below is found in The Message//Remix: Solo – An Uncommon Devotional, p 208.
What I especially like about his book is how it goes beyond being your typical “devotional” book. The intent is to teach us a method of praying deeply with Scripture; of slowing ourselves so we no longer merely read the words of Scripture but “Scripture reads us.”
Below I have taken one page from the volume that will show you the pattern followed in this way of listening to, and praying Scripture.
Try it out and see what you think. Don’t be surprised if you return to it several times and find depths you did not notice on the first readings.
Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Read the passage slowly.THINK
Read the passage again, listening for the words or phrases that stand out to you, such as:– “come to me
– “recover your life”
– “real rest”
– “walk with me and work with me”
– “watch how I do it”
– “keep company with me”Notice the many different ways Jesus says, “Hang out with me.” Which one do you find most inviting? Why?
What would it feel like to walk with Jesus and work with him? It’s okay to be honest; “freely and lightly” may not describe what you think it would really be like. Instead you might think it would be forced and difficult. If so, what would you desire for it to be like?
Have you feared that a walk with Jesus might require heavy or ill-fitting things? What are they?
Jesus speaks very personally and conversationally in this passage, using phrases like “Come to me.” In fact, I or me occurs eight times, and you occurs five times. So consider that Jesus has been talking to you. What is your reply? What do you need to discuss with Jesus today?
Walk with Jesus, either in your mind or on an actual walk. As you do, turn these words from Jesus over in your mind: rest, unforced, keep company with me, freely, lightly.
What do you think? How did it work for you?
Does it take you more deeply into the Scripture? Do you see things that did not come into view before?
{ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est}