Each morning I receive a brief quote from the writings of one my favorite spiritual-theological-philosophical writers (he could wear all three hats), Dallas Willard. I was so struck by this morning’s words, I wanted to share them, The most amazing … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Awe
One day away from Thanksgiving Day, 2014. How are doing? Do you need to go to the store again? Any housecleaning yet to do? Will it all get done? Well, one way or the other Thanksgiving Day will arrive and … Continue reading
It wasn’t too many years ago I heard the expression “thin places” for the first time and knew I was “suppose to “ know what it meant and appreciate its importance. Unfortunately, I neither knew what it meant nor did … Continue reading
A few weeks ago I came across a blog post entitled, ” A Simple Pattern of Spiritual Formation” ( http://www.internetmonk.com/archive/a-simple-pattern-of-spiritual-formation }. As you might expect that caught my attention. It mentioned a book by Skye Jethani, With: Reimagining the Way … Continue reading