How Do You Describe Your Reality?

Each morning I receive a brief quote from the writings of one my favorite spiritual-theological-philosophical writers (he could wear all three hats), Dallas Willard. I was so struck by this morning’s words, I wanted to share them, The most amazing … Continue reading

Lectio 365 – Lectio Divina at Your Fingertips

Several years ago when our church class began discussing spiritual practices/disciplines I began sending out a weekly email to help us have a context for our thinking about practices and how these relate to formation and discipleship. Over time other … Continue reading

225 – Perspective – Intention on the Spiritual Journey

Have you found some time over the last few weeks to “prepare” for Thanksgiving Day this year?  You know I don’t mean making your menu and buying the “fixings” for the big day, don’t you? Those things are important but … Continue reading

210 – Sacred/Secular – Intention on the Spiritual Journey

I have the feeling that C. S. Lewis won’t let me go.  I find Lewis speaking to me again this week.  What do you think? Does Lewis have something important to tell us? ” . . . substituted religion for God … Continue reading

134 – Seeing – Intention on the Spiritual Journey

What do you see right now?  At home, at work, in the car, in the shopping center, at the gym, walking, running, at the park, What do you see? One of the themes in Scripture that keeps bothering me is the reoccurring note … Continue reading

94 – Lent & Easter – Intention on the Spiritual Journey

Many weeks ago ( #21, #22, and #23 ) I mentioned what Dallas Willard calls the spiritual disciples of abstinence and engagement.  He sees both as necessary for the Christian life and likens it to “outbreathing” and “inbreathing.”  I wonder … Continue reading

5 – Worship – Intention on the Spiritual Journey

“Expressing in words, music, rituals, and silent adoration the greatness, beauty, and goodness of God, by means of which we enter the supranatural reality of the shekinah, or glory, of God.” “Worship the Lord in holy splendor; tremble before him, … Continue reading