The Society of St Andrew has published a small devotional booklet for Lent ( ). The devotions are short and are accompanied by a suggested scripture passage and a prayer.
I’ve read a number of the devotions already (is that cheating on my Lenten practice?) and to me they seem to offer an intriguing blend of loss and blessing. At first that annoyed me. But then I realized maybe that is not so intriguing after all. Maybe that is one of the reminders Lent can offer us.
The Society publishes a paper copy of the devotional booklet. They also have a PDF copy you can download. And you can subscribe to the devotions to have them delivered to your email each day. While the Society has no more of the paper booklets to mail out, I was able to get some to share with our congregation and have some left. If you want a paper copy of the booklet leave a comment here (but don’t post your email address or street address here) and I will work out getting a copy to you.
Also, visit the Society’s web site and read about their work in feeding the hungry. They do an impressive amount of good for folks.
{ubi carias et amor, Deus ibi est}